Coming soon









Having graduated from the Institut d'Etudes Supérieures des Arts, Inka Ernst alternates between being a Web designer, Art director and Graphic designer. Selected for the D&AD program in London, she has since drawn on her experience over the last 20 years within the field of visual communication in Paris having worked for agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi, TBWA and FCB...
As a trilingual freelancer, my clients are predominately comprised of creative professionals from the private sector, (fashion designers, artists, film directors, musicians and performers) and for whom I employ the same methods initially honed within the advertising and corporate sectors.
My Art History background, my passion for “collage” and music perpetually fuel my desire to explore the convergence between the visual, audio and new media technologies.

Trilingue, (français, anglais, allemand), je suis, tour à tour web designer, graphiste et directrice artistique. Initialement sélectionnée pour le programme D&AD à Londres, j’ai ensuite travaillé au sein des agences publicitaires comme Saatchi & Saatchi, TBWA & FCB parmi d'autres.

En tant que freelance, j’emploie toutes les méthodes destinées à la création et à la réalisation de l’Identité visuelle on / off line.  
"J’innove " et je tiens a rester toujours « à la pointe » des nouvelles tendances technologiques qui englobent la communication de nos jours.